
LSR, an abbreviation of Liquid SiliconeRubber, is a type of silicone which is in liquid state already that is later molded under high pressure and carved into various objects for the usage of medical and as well as surgical requirements. It has existed since 1970 but back then it never had a boom unlike today as today people are discovering substances that reduce health risks and increase health benefits. It’s known for its versatile aesthetics, smooth texture, good grip, environment friendliness and being hypoallergenic. Long chains of silicone and oxygen give it durability and flexibility. Why is it so famous and unique? It’s the most searched question on the internet. It’s because of its ability to handle the extremes that is; hot and cold. It also doesn’t wear off under the Ultraviolet light.
Its chemical formula is based upon two components which are polysiloxane chains infused with silica. Liquid silicone rubber has an importance in many industries like medical, electronics, consumer goods etc. Liquid silicone rubber stands out due to its pleasant texture and a firm grip.
Liquid silicone rubber is well-known for its immense and remarkable quality which any other rubber can’t possess. It can also undergo harsh conditions. Compared with others like; natural rubber, thermoplastic elastomers, and traditional silicone rubbers LSR is anti-aging, cost-effective and unwearable. Moreover, LSR has low viscosity making it possible to undergo any procedure. The flexibility of liquid silicone rubber allows it to be the ideal material to make medical and surgical instruments as they can be made of different sizes and can be adjusted as per use.
Applications Of Liquid Silicone Rubber for Medical Grade
Manufacturers are always looking for opportunities to reduce the cost of the product and here they found LSR with lifetime performance and cost friendly. In terms of health safety, cost and anti-ageing LSR is a good fit for the medical industry. As we know that liquid silicone rubber has a great demand in medical grade as well as LSR is biocompatible. It is used to make menstrual cups, water pipes, and baby bottle nipples. As silicone prevents the growth of bacteria it is healthy to use in dental procedures. Lifesaving medical devices like hydrocephalus shunts are also manufactured of this substance which is LSR due to its durability and biocompatibility.
It is used in multiple medical fields for example;
1. Cardiology: it is used for making pacemakers and hydrocephalus shunts. LSR is also used for making the coating for valves.
2. Dialysis: hypodermic syringe transfusion assemblies
3. Plastic surgery: reformation of the features like; nose, ear, cheek lift up, breast enlargement, buttock enlargement
4. Ophthalmology: orbital floor repairing, in soft contact lenses, retinal prosthesis, orbital implants
5. Orthopedic surgeries: reformation of elbows, wrist, foot, leg, knee, joints
6. Others: it is used to make balloon catheters, ear plugs, tubing for feeding.
Benefits Of Using Liquid Silicone Rubber for Medical Grade

One of the most crucial and highlighted benefits of Liquid silicone rubber is hygiene as it stops the growth of bacteria and fungi. Its super biocompatibility makes it stand out in the world of rubbers. The softness it has comforts the patients like, the people with pacemakers, artificial heart valves and hydrocephalus shunts. Surgeons often prefer objects feasible to hold with a firm grip which can only be achieved with liquid silicone rubber objects.
Plus, it is non-reactive, unlike other substances. Liquid silicone rubber prevents infections and allergies internally and externally. It is durable and gives a long-term performance so it becomes a comfort zone for the patients. It can be sterilized with autoclaving or with radiations (gamma rays).
It has stability against moisture, aging, water, heat, cold, wearing off, fading of the material, chemical reactivity, oxidization, toxicity, and any atmospheric condition. It has no effect on the human immune system. It has a high thermal stability up to 400°F. For many medical processes products are exposed to highly reactive chemicals and to extreme temperatures for that the material has to be durable. It is self-lubricated and can be easily coloured.
Features of Best LSR for Medical Grade
1. Viscosity: it is one of the main best features that it can undergo any harsh condition regarding the shape and temperature.

2. Curing: rapid curing makes the overall process fast while maintaining the details of the object
3. Soft-touch: its soft and smooth touch never irritates the patient with pacemakers and dental procedures. Moreover, menstrual cups are also manufactured with liquid silicone rubbers making them soft and gentle.
4. Non-toxic or hypoallergenic: liquid silicone rubber is safe for health and do not cause any health risk. It’s a healthy choice for medical purposes
5. Purity: it contains low levels of impurities
6. Elasticity: its elasticity is best for making medical tubes
7. Non-allergenic: it does not affect the skin in any way if used with care
8. durability: it can last longer and still give the same benefits, it can also bear any sort of water and temperature extremities
Insilicone: High-quality Liquid Silicone Products
Liquid silicone rubber is a valuable material to form items that require great durability and flexibility. Insilicone has some great properties that they add to their products such as baby nipples, bottle nozzles, phone cases and dog food pads etc. They have a wide variety of products available on their website that provides ease and convenience to their customers.
Browse through their variety of silicone products that are high quality and affordable for all kinds of customers and their needs.
We now know numerous benefits of liquid silicone rubber it has one of the best qualities around as it is protective towards dust, sun damage, fading, wearing off etc. Due to its comfortability and its hydrophobicity liquid silicone rubber products demand has been growing in the market for the usage of medical procedures. It is water resistant as well. As people are becoming ecologically conscious, environment-friendly, ozone-safe, and non-polluting they prefer using eco-friendly products and the products made with liquid silicone rubber are one of those as it is recyclable, making them the most functional. People with sensitive skin can rely on the products of liquid silicone rubber blindly without any sort of hesitation.
It can bear many challenges and better performance in the long run making it cost effective. It’s best for human organs and prostheses. It is transparent and can be customized into colors, even if we can customize it to the human skin tone. Hence, we may say we found a perfect fit for the medical world.